
Mitochondria are involved in multiple cellular tasks, such as ATP synthesis, metabolism, metabolite and ion transport, regulation of apoptosis, inflammation, signaling, and inheritance of mitochondrial DNA. The majority of the correct functioning of mitochondria is based on the large electrochemical proton gradient, whose component, the inner mitochondrial membrane potential, is strictly controlled by ion transport through mitochondrial membranes. Consequently, mitochondrial function is critically dependent on ion homeostasis, the disturbance of which leads to abnormal cell functions. Therefore, the discovery of mitochondrial ion channels influencing ion permeability through the membrane has defined a new dimension of the function of ion channels in different cell types, mainly linked to the important tasks that mitochondrial ion channels perform in cell life and death. This review summarizes studies on animal mitochondrial ion channels with special focus on their biophysical properties, molecular identity, and regulation. Additionally, the potential of mitochondrial ion channels as therapeutic targets for several diseases is briefly discussed.


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